Thursday, December 15, 2005

Signs of Hope

Another beautiful day in Northern California, and we trust that the skies over Iraq today were just as clear and beautiful, as the people there went to the polls by the millions to cast their ballots.  Thus far the news accounts have been good, with few reports of violent acts.  Sure, it'll take a while for the ballots to be counted, and there'll be the usual charges of wrongdoing by one faction or another, but that's to be expected in a country which has not seen free elections in decades, and this is the biggest one so far.

Let's hope the Iraqis will now have a stable government that's worthy of their nobility and their courage, and that the insurgency and the jihadists will fold its tents and quietly steal away, and most important, that conditions will allow the swift return of our brave men and women in uniform to come home and bask in the welcome of a grateful nation.

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