Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Dull, dull, dull

It's a dull, drizzly, overcast day here in the Bay Area. There has been such a lot of moisture of late that moss has begun to appear in the sidewalk cracks and beneath the gutter downspouts. Yet how can I complain, when my friends in Seattle haven't had a respite from the rain for weeks on end.

Weather like this is fine for curling up with a good book, but I have miles to go before I sleep.

* * *

I thought that last night's State of the Union address by President Bush, and his speech today in Nashville, were uninspiring. What I'd been hoping for from our Commander-in- Chief was a more sweeping vision than we saw, delivered with greater panache. There were some good moments in last night's address, as when he spoke directly to the people of Iran, but overall I would just give him a B-. (And I don't expect he'll ever learn to pronounce 'nuclear'.)

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