Thursday, March 08, 2007


I was watching a cable news channel today. This channel is known to be right-leaning, though it portrays itself as being politically neutral, or to use the phrase that recurs in its corporate slogan, as being 'fair and balanced'. It is also notable for its attractive female commentators, many of whom, incidentally, happen to be blondes.

The blonde host (hostess? anchoress?) of the program was interviewing her guest and asking a series of questions. At the start of each question, and sprinkled generously throughout the remainder of her conversation, was a "you know?", which has become so common that most listeners nowadays don't even realize that it is there. It has become almost inaudible, like the 'ums' or 'uhs' people use to buy time between thoughts they are trying to find the right words to express.

Maybe it's just me (maybe it's just I?), but all those 'you knows' make the hairs stand on the base of my skull. It's almost like the shiver you might feel when a fingernail is dragged across a blackboard. (Remember Robert Shaw as Quint in the movie 'Jaws' when he wanted to get the people's attention in the schoolhouse?)

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