Sunday, April 08, 2007

A Dry Spell

Early morning, St John's, New Brunswick

Peterhof Palace, St Petersburg, Russia

Old paddlewheel steamer, Regensburg, Bavaria

Church interior, Tallinn, Estonia

The succession of pictures being posted to this blog can perhaps be attributed to a dry spell in the words department. There has not been much of any significance to write about, and so the words do not come as readily as in the past. We needn't call it a writer's block exactly, and even if it should turn out to be that, let's hope that it'll be a short one, and that inspiration will return in short order.

We could of course talk about the weather. Yes, the weather has been mild, even a bit chilly in the mornings, enough to make one wonder about all this talk of global warming. The trees are in bloom, and a beautiful sight they are too. It is allergy season, of course, with all the sneezing and watery eyes that come with it. The birds are making full use of our feeder, which is filled with wild bird seed in the morning, and completely empty by early afternoon.

We need to get a new hummingbird feeder, preferably one which will deny access to those darn voracious ants. It's amazing how the critters can find sources of sweetness even in the most remote and unlikely locations.

We wish everyone a very happy Easter. (Gosh, is it Easter already. Seems like we only just got over Christmas.)

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