Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Excelsior

[click to enlarge]

A view from the top of Faxon Street in The Excelsior neighborhood of San Francisco. Like many another street in the City, this one is so steep that residents' cars have to be parked at right angles to the curb [the one I'm standing on; the opposite curb has a 'No Parking at Any Time' sign]; this as a precaution against brake failure and runaways. In the background is Mt. Davidson, with the large cross visible on its peak, where Easter sunrise services are held. Some of your conservative talk show hosts may decry the left-wing liberal politics of the Board of Supervisors, same-sex marriage, sanctuary for illegal immigration, the homeless population, and various bizarre Barbary Coast aspects of this great city, but the majority who live here would not want to live anywhere else.

Especially on a day like this.

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