Thursday, May 07, 2009

Rambling Again

Took a walk today, second one after a gap of many days. Laziness, mainly, and also somewhat less than good weather. Excuses, of course. But today the weather is gorgeous, though a bit warm in the sun. Hat needed, but forgot the sunblock. The scent of the mock-orange fills the air in the back yard. It's now a tallish tree, not the small shrub it was, oh, just a few years ago, and you actually get some shade under it. Speckled, though.

The bumble bees are active. Busy, as the saying goes. Interesting that they spend varying amounts of time in each flower. Here a sniff, here a longer sip or two, there a lingering guzzle. Same geranium pot, but I guess each flower is different.

Dragonflies are back. Maybe they're damselflies, the smaller ones, usually a bright blue. Their wings like what illustrators of children's books use on fairies. Tinker Bell too. Reading "Peter Pan" as a kid I thought she was only a minor character. But the fluttering damselfly wings in the Disney version made Tinker famous.

Funny how tastes change. Mickey Mouse was big when I was growing up. But for years now, "Mickey Mouse" has been synonymous with "trivial, of poor construction or shabby".


That's how it goes. Poor Mickey!

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