Saturday, June 13, 2009

Chicken soup and other things

Tonight I made chicken and vegetable soup for dinner. Used a pressure cooker, for speed. Actually wanted to make an all-veggie soup, but my wife wanted to add some chicken we had in the freezer. No, I haven't yet had a chance to see "Food, Inc." the movie. But from all the reviews I've been reading, it sure sounds like a stomach-turner. Especially the segment on chicken-farming. Maybe I'll just wait till the movie comes out on DVD. That way, I will be able to fast-forward past the really unnerving parts of the movie.

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Lovely mild day today. Went down to the repair shop to pick up my ancient Rainbow vacuum cleaner, still good after 37 years. The only things that it needed were a new cord, a good cleaning and lube, plus new motor-brushes, and now it runs perfectly again. The thing I really like about it is that the dust is collected in a water tank instead of a messy bag.

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Have resumed my daily walks, and feel more energized as a result. Now, if I could just get rid of the pounds I took on over the past couple of weeks. Maybe skipping lunch might help.


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