Monday, September 12, 2005

I'm just getting started in the blogosphere

Well, time will tell whether I can keep this up, because there are so many things to occupy my time nowadays. Still, it's worth a try.

Today I took down the flag from in front of my house. It had been up to commemorate 9/11 yesterday.

The series "Rome" on HBO is very well done, and certainly worth spending an hour a week to look at. Most of the actors are British. The fellow who plays the centurion is a Vladimir Putin look-alike. There is a lot of sex and violence, but it's about par for the course for HBO offerings -- as in "Sopranos", "Deadwood", and "The Wire".

I am working on a new oil painting 24"x28". It's a California landscape. I'm happy to say it's turning out quite well.

Been doing some reading. Kazuo Ishiguro's "We Were Orphans", which I rate lower than his "The Remains of the Day"; John Le Carre's "Absolute Friends", a real page-turner, though ultimately the author's anti-Bush, anti-Blair stance is a bit over-the-top; and finally, just finished Sarah Dunant's "The Birth of Venus", this last recommended for women, art-lovers, and historical novel buffs.

I'm not exactly sure what goes into a blog. May have to do some refining of my style and material as time goes on.

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