Sunday, January 25, 2009

Verily a Shorte Storie

He was much disposèd, even as a Childe, to regarde Himsselfe as a Creature above ye Ordinarie, being brilliant in suche Matters as ye Mathematicke and Variouse Sciences. Few Friends hadde he, so that his Childhoode was passèd in a veritable Prision of Lonelinesse, the like of which no Personne of that Age should be permittèd to undergoe.

In due Time he grew to be a Man of Consequaince, and was held in high Esteeme in Society by his Fellowes, whose Opiniones he considerèd greately inferieur to his Owne.

Being yet of ye Temperamente of a Childe, he was oft immoderate in his Speeche, and in this wise causèd some Embarrassmente in Publicke, uttering Thinges that no One in his Positioun could be expectèd to say, and to Personnes who had the Meanes to do him Harme.

It came about that at a certaine Ball, he did rashlie rebuke a Man for being clumsie in ye Use of Knife and Forke at Dinner.

He was challengèd to a Duel, which upon the appointèd Day, he attendèd, but without ye Advantage of a Seconde, having no One willinge to accept that Honour. On this Occasioun, however, his aime was good, and he causèd his Challenger to be slightlie woundèd in ye Lefte Shoulder.

The Man never forgave him and ever after sought Vengeance.

I fear I must end here, as there is no Moral to this Storie, whiche I am setting down forthwith here at my Computer on a fine Sunday Morning before Breakfast.

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