Monday, April 27, 2009

What's with all those green cars?

If you're a regular visitor to this blog, you might have noticed that I have posted portraits of cars in it at various times. And quite a number of those are green.

I don't own a green car. Green is not my favorite color. (In fact, I don't even have a color that can be described as a favorite.)

But cars that are green-colored make good subjects for my camera. I don't know why that is. But if I have my camera with me and I see a car that's green, it'll have its picture taken.

(Here I must pause for a little grammar lesson. Many, and I mean many, people think that the possessive case of "it" takes an apostrophe; like so - "it's". There are well-meaning, well-educated, well-heeled, well-spoken, well-regarded people who make this mistake constantly. They do not know that "it's" is a contraction of "it is", and that its use as a possessive is wrong. Oh, yes. It's wrong. Indeed, 'tis.)

Now back to my green cars. Do I go out looking for them to photograph? Heck, no. Where have I got time to do that, for cryin' out loud!

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