Sunday, October 09, 2005

Disasters - Natural and Man-made

During the past ten months the world has witnessed a sequence of devastating natural disasters. Starting with the Indian Ocean tsunami on Boxing Day 2004, what followed were floods, hurricanes, the inundation of an entire city, and wild fires. In the news today we learn of the 7.7 earthquake on the Pakistan-India border that must certainly have claimed tens of thousands of lives, and then in Central America many hundreds more as a result of the latest storms. Such grievous loss of life as a direct consequence of random occurrences in nature only serves to show how puny man is against the forces of nature. And yet, as though all this suffering were not enough, human beings further compound the misery by visiting more horrors on their fellow human beings – and too often in the name of a misguided interpretation of some religious belief.

When will we ever learn.

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