Monday, October 17, 2005

Flu shots & Iraq elections

Got our flu shots yesterday. The doctor's office was full, even though it was a Sunday, and the doctor himself was there to supervise the operation. Patients, mainly seniors, filled out forms, showed their insurance cards, and were directed to several rooms where the shots were administered by aides. The whole process was orderly, and we were out of there in about twenty-minutes.

We are given to understand that the flu vaccine will not suffice to protect against the avian flu that has been so much in the news of late. There is a Swiss-made product called Tamiflu, but this is in short supply, and our local pharmacies are completely out of it.

The elections for a new constitution in Iraq seem to have gone well, with more people voting than in the last election. Let's hope that this is another big step towards the country's march towards a democratic future. Though there have been news accounts today of voting irregularities, it looks like the constitution will be approved as written.

Today is another glorious autumn day in the San Francisco Bay Area. Though we do not have the fall colors that are so much a part of the attraction of places like Vermont, we have our own small share of gorgeous foliage. And here, unlike in the southern part of our State, the air is clear and crisp. It does our lungs good to take deep breaths of this sweet air of ours.

Took an hour-long walk today, and plan to be constant about making it a regular habit.

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