Monday, May 08, 2006


I can't claim to be a good cook like some of my friends and relations.  But once in a while I manage to turn out a dish that may attract a compliment or two.

Actually, if you can read a recipe and follow directions, there's no reason why the resulting dish should not be good, even very good.  The folks who develop the recipes, like my wife's sister, spend many hours experimenting with just the right combinations of ingredients and cooking methods and cooking times, so that when they publish the recipe, everything should turn out as intended.

Some people are natural cooks.  Maybe they happen to have been born with the gift, like people who can sing or draw or compose music.  Others may have arrived at their talents through much study and plain hard work.  I don't think one can say that the cook to whom the art comes naturally is better than the one who had to work at it, or vice versa.

I do think, however, that someone who cooks every day will likely produce more meals that are appetizing than someone who, like me, cooks only on special occasions.

The best meals are probably prepared by people who enjoy cooking as much as they enjoy eating. I certainly enjoy eating, but then I cook only when I must.

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