Thursday, May 04, 2006


The past few days I have been on a kind of photographic binge with my digital camera.  Partly this has to do with the fine, sunny days we've been having in these parts, but also because when I get the bug to do picture-taking, it sticks with me for a while.

I learned today that Kodak, the name which most people of my generation equate with all things photographic, announced that its quarterly results would fall far short of expectations, and that the company is considering divesting its health unit, which makes sophisticated devices for hospitals.  Its sales of film have fallen precipitously following the increasing popularity of the digital camera.  Yet it is still the world's largest producer of photographic film.

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Louis Rukeyser, the former host of Wall Street Week on public television, passed away a few days ago at the age of 73.  We used to watch his half-hour show faithfully every Friday night.  He was debonair, witty, and had a flair for the language of business that few other financial program hosts could match.

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