Monday, November 20, 2006


This past weekend saw the election of my wife as the first woman president of our social club, which has nearly a thousand members. At first I had misgivings about her candidacy for the office, though I know full well that she is eminently qualified to undertake the responsibilties attached thereto. My concern had more to do with the extra demands in time and energy that will surely be required of her. She sought my approval and support before she accepted the job, and I, seeing that she was determined to give it her best shot in her inimitable fashion, offered both with a thumbs-up signal at a critical moment in the election process.

She assumes office on the first of the year, and is clearly pleased at the outpouring of warm encouragement from a significant portion of the association's membership.

Club politics can so often be a test of one's equanimity. Factions and cliques are common obstacles that have to be dealt with and opposing viewpoints must be given proper exposure with the grace and savoir faire of a skilled diplomat.

There is no question in my mind that the new president will fill the bill very nicely.

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