Wednesday, February 13, 2008


It's a matter of hope, you see, mon vieux. A strong sentiment, this thing called hope. You hope that this pill, this little translucent capsule, larger than, but having the same approximate shape of, a ripe comedo, will, if consumed regularly twice a day, preferably with a meal, assure that your entrails will hold up against the demands that are forced upon them by the stresses of everyday life.

And speaking of comedos, which of us, at one time or another during our youth, and maybe even in adulthood, when faced with the appearance of one or more of them in an accessible place, has not surreptitiously, against the advice of our elders or of medical practitioners generally, brought fingertips to bear in order to dislodge them from their secure enclaves.

Not a wise thing to do, it must be admitted, but there is a tendency to give in to temptation once in a while.

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