Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lead Time

The voice on the phone is youthful and sweet. It has a breathy quality to it – Monroe-like, a movie buff like me might be tempted to say. It is calling to remind me of an appointment to visit her employer, my dentist, the following day. The appointment, which in haste I had made some six months before (at the last regular check-up) is one that I had failed to note on my 2008 calendar, which at the time had not even been printed, much less written on.

So I say that I would like to change the appointment, thinking that it is easy enough to do. Apparently though it is not, and so I am notified, in a voice no longer quite so Marilynesque, that she will make the requested change this time, but that I should not expect she should be so accommodating in future, as 'the office' requires forty-eight hours prior notice of any appointment change, or else 'the patient' will be charged for ' a missed appointment'.

No doubt the extra time is required for the dentist to make his golfing and yachting plans.

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